
顯示從 2月, 2022 起發佈的文章

梁記街渡長者及殘疾人士$2乘船優惠 Eldery & Disabilities $2 Concessionary Fare with Leung Kee

好消息!梁記街渡(碧海船務)已獲納入參與提供政府長者及殘疾人士$2票價優惠之街渡名單。由2022年2月27日起,60歳或以上長者及合資格殘疾人士持有效已登記「樂悠卡」/ 「殘疾人士身分」個人八達通 卡即可享用單程$2乘船優惠。享用此優惠票價人士, 必須使用已登記之有效八達通付款 。因回程名額有限,建議搭客購票時向船員同時購買回程票,以確保船位。 前往 樂悠卡網站 方法,查看申請方法。 勞工及福利局政府 長者及合資格殘疾人士公共交通票價優惠計劃 (二元優惠計劃)專頁 Leung Kee has been approved to join the Government Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities Scheme. From 27 Feb 2022 onwards, the elderly aged 60 or above and eligible persons with disabilities, with registered and valid personalized Octopus Card, may enjoy $2 single way concessionary fare. Concessionary Fares MUST be paid by registered Octopus Card . You may visit  JoyYou Card website  for details of application.  LWB $2 Concessionary Fare Scheme for Eldery and Disabled Webpage