
顯示從 3月, 2021 起發佈的文章

船釣收費調整 Fee Adjustment on Boat Fishing

有關最新船釣安排請參閱 2021年12月21日通告 。Please check the update on 21Dec2021  on for latest Boat Fishing arrangement.  船釣收費調整,2021年4月1日生效 西灣河至東龍島船釣時間: 一、12點西灣河出發,到東龍島落客後釣至2點30回程,不上岸原船返,收費80元。 二、12點45西灣河出發,東龍島落客後釣至4點45回程,不上岸原船返,收費150元。 由於限聚關係,限額有限,先到先得。 Fee on Boat Fishing will be adjusted as follow with effective on 1 Apr 2021.  1. Sailing from Sai Wan Ho at 12:00nn, return from Tung Lung Chau at 2:30pm, not landing: $80. 2. Sailing from Sai Wan Ho at 12:45pm, return from Tung Lung Chau at 4:45pm, not landing: $150. Places are limited due to restriction on group gathering.